The #AHRexpo is on, say organizers of the HVACR industry’s premier forum for learning about innovations that are “making our world smarter, faster, cleaner, better.”
Frankly, we couldn’t be more excited.
Because in addition to being there in-person at Booth C4128 in Las Vegas, January 31 through February 2, we’re also presenting on Day 2 in Room Theater C – Booth N11936.
The 2022 AHR Expo is all about sharing ideas and showcasing the future of HVACR technology, so you can bet there will be almost too much to see, do, and learn.
To help you prepare for the show and maximize your time there, we’ve put together a quick guide to help you think about remote connectivity. Plus, we’ve included a list of the remote connectivity-related sessions you’ll find at the 2022 show, so you can be sure that you won’t miss a thing.
A New Way to Think About Remote Connectivity
Technology has dramatically changed our everyday lives. So, whether you start a cold car with the push of a button inside your warm and comfortable home or office, get a gentle nudge from your smart speaker about something you left in your online shopping cart, or adjust your home thermostat from the phone in your pocket or handbag, we know (and so do you) that each of these “technological marvels” began with a simple question: “What if …”
Here we ask the “what ifs” that are going to prove to be very important to HVACR professionals in the New Year.
- What if … there’s a better way to have awareness of your devices?
Being responsible for set points and calibrations for high-value assets is no small job. But how do you do that when you’re busy juggling a hundred other important tasks in a typical workday? Even more importantly, how do you monitor equipment effectively and efficiently so you can reduce truck expenses? Here’s how: with remote connectivity and the FieldVEU App.
At #AHRexpo, MSA Product Manager Richard Theron will share how MSA developed this first-of-its-kind application, which allows HVACR professionals to monitor equipment, retrieve data for analysis, set up unique alarms and notifications for specific data points, and much more.
- What if … you could instantly and seamless access the most relevant and valuable information to your operation?
There are more than 8 billion connected things on the planet today, helping people perform everyday tasks. In fact, there’s never been a better time than now for being able to access, control, and monitor components and devices – anytime, anywhere.
The truth is, without remote connectivity, it’s virtually impossible to “keep all systems go.” Which is why there’s almost nothing more powerful than this capability. Remote connectivity literally can give you the ability to resolve issues right here, right now. Plus, remote connectivity can enable a wide variety of essential functions like real-time monitoring, status checks, data collection, alarms and alerts, and data collection.
- What if … you could spend more time focusing on what matters most?
Having full visibility and actionable insights into your in-the-field devices can help you ensure that your high-value assets are performing as they should. That means that you never have to be without the insight you need. That means you – and your brain – are free to focus on big-picture issues knowing that temperatures, calibrations, and settings are all under control.
Remote Connectivity & Remote Access Sessions at #AHRexpo
Here’s an at-a-glance look at the 7 different AHR Expo presentations (in order of appearance) that will feature discussions about, and innovations for, remote connectivity and remote access. (Keep in mind that these are subject to change.)
Note that we’ve highlighted MSA’s session for your convenience – and we invite you to attend what we think will be a very enlightening talk.
David J. Palazzolo, Daikin
Saving time with diagnostics and preventive maintenance
Richard Theron, MSA, The Safety Company
Gaining instant access to critical data points and real-time notifications to the benefit of your operation
Tim Cramer, Key2Act
Saving energy with automated IoT diagnostics
Amir Habibi, SunEarth, Inc.
Improving system control with remote access
Jeremy Wolfe, J2 Innovations
Simplifying the BMS
Ryan Hughson, Optigo Networks
Using Visual BACnet for remote monitoring
Victoria Garcia Massimo, Airzone
Controlling individual inverter units remotely
Your Turn …
What if you and your team understood that remote connectivity is the key to unlocking smarter, safer, more efficient automation and control? What if you and your team embraced new technologies that enable readily available data in a secure fashion?
And what if remote connectivity became the game changer that revolutionized your operations, so the right people got the right information at the right time?
Good news! “What if …” is here. Can’t wait to see you in Las Vegas.