The introduction of new technologies has accelerated almost to the point where it’s at the speed of light. In just the past few years, Industry 4.0 has helped industrial enterprises transform themselves from traditional to interoperable to fully connected, smart factories.
It’s likely, then, that you’re already looking toward the next big thing that will improve your intelligent automation infrastructure—including the way you manage and process data.
If the progression of technology has taught us anything, it’s that data holds the key. With data, you can gain real-time, actionable insights that can be used to optimize operations, increase productivity, improve accountability, and boost profitability.
Why IoT Remote Monitoring Matters
When it comes to digitized, data-rich industrial environments and connected smart factories, system integrators, control engineers, and facilities managers must learn how to make the most of technological advancements to ensure that manufacturing production is as seamless, scalable, and robust as possible.
The first concern, then, is how to tap into all the available data. The second is how to make meaningful use of this data. And the third is how to ensure that the right information gleaned from the data gets into the hands of the right people at the right time.
Making Smarter Decisions with IoT-Enabled Insight
That’s where IoT remote access, monitoring, and notifications come into play. IoT remote monitoring is the use of connected equipment, including networks, sensors, gateways, and the Cloud, to securely view, monitor, manage, and control devices from anywhere, anytime, from any device.
By combining IoT device-generated data with remote access, monitoring, and notification capabilities, you become more empowered in your decision making. You also become more informed as to which operational strategies can have the biggest payoff in terms of efficiency, productivity, accountability, and profitability.
Benefits of Remote Access and Notifications
The key to bringing all of these disparate devices, systems, and capabilities together is an IoT-enabled gateway that features remote access and notifications.
MSA FieldServer, for example, helps ensure that most devices, regardless of who manufacturers them, are able to “talk” with the rest of your devices, systems, assets, equipment, and the Cloud, so you can have:
- Secure, anywhere access to IoT-enabled devices.
- Real-time, remote monitoring and management capabilities.
- Data-informed insight for proactive and pre-emptive response.
- Improved uptime and better worker safety.
Leveraging IoT to Transform Operations
If you’re facing the dilemma of how to innovate and lead your smart factory or smart manufacturing business to next-level success, consider the role remote access and notifications has (or should have) in your organization.
We’ve created a white paper that can help you rethink how to best achieve the kind of visibility that lets you use your data to better predict, forecast, measure, monitor, and optimize your smart factory for maximum performance today and tomorrow.